Becoming a parent is a dream for many, but the journey to parenthood can sometimes be challenging. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to improve your chances of getting pregnant. In this guide, we'll explore three key concepts: reducing toxins, taking control of fertility testing, and managing mental stress. Nothing else your doing is going to work as well if you don't take action in these 3 areas.
1. Reducing Toxins
Toxins are everywhere - in our food, environment, and personal products. Unfortunately, they can negatively impact fertility and cause damage to reproductive organs, making it more difficult to conceive. After all they're hormone disruptors.
To reduce toxic exposure:
- Eat a clean and organic diet. Opt for fruits, vegetables, and meats that are free from pesticides and hormones. (you can learn which fruits and veggies to prioritize buying organic here Environmental Working Group
- Use natural household cleaners. Many conventional cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can disrupt hormone balance. This is going to require label reading (the back one because any fragrance not listed by the latin name is synthetic and can contain up to 1300 chemicals in that one "fragrance")
- Choose non-toxic beauty products. Look for products that are free from parabens, phthalates, and other harmful substances. (I love Thrive Causmetics, message me for a coupon)
2. Taking Control of Fertility Testing
While doctors play a crucial role in the fertility process, it's essential to be proactive about your own health and fertility history. Here's how you can gather and interpret key information:
- Track your menstrual cycle. Note the length of your cycles, symptoms and any irregularities.
- Monitor your basal body temperature. A slight increase in temperature can indicate ovulation.
- Observe changes in cervical mucus. It often becomes clear and stretchy when you're most fertile.
- Keep a record of your thyroid history and hormone level history. These can significantly influence your fertility and your doctor will not do this especially if you're "in range".
- Track your own testing by date and level in a spreadsheet so you can see if your hormone levels have changed over the years
Remember, accuracy and consistency are crucial. Don't hesitate to advocate for yourself and ask questions during your doctor visits.
3. Managing Mental Stress
Stress can wreak havoc on your body and potentially interfere with conception. Here are some strategies for stress management:
- Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques, such as yoga, meditation or prayer.
- Make time for hobbies and activities that bring you joy.
- Seek support from a counselor or support group. Infertility is overwhelming
- Talk to your spouse or close friend that you can be real with.
Remember, every person's fertility journey is unique but you have so much control over improving your chances and overall health so you can get pregnant.
Stay patient, keep learning, and don't lose hope. Your path to parenthood is a personal one, and every step you take brings you closer to your goal. Want more information on this subject? Watch my latest video on "The 3 Things you Need to STOP Doing Right Now! To Get Pregnant this Year"
#FertilityJourney #PregnancyTips #HealthyLiving #SelfCare #Empowerment #unexplainedinfertility