Find yourself not sleeping well? Eating more junk food? Snapping at your family or experiencing more emotional upheaval? Running on empty and struggling to make it through the day?
I don’t know about you, but between coronavirus craziness, summer schedule survival, working on my own healing, and simply taking care of the day-to-day needs in my home, I feel like I’ve been in survival mode these days instead of THRIVING.
You too??
Feeling depleted, tired, stressed, and overwhelmed can really impact your health before you know it. If you’re already recovering from chronic conditions, this just adds another layer of stress and sometimes difficulty to get going on a healthier path.
I think it’s the perfect time to Reset, Restore, and Refresh and to take some time to focus on SIMPLE 5 minute daily habits that will lead to improved health (body,mind & spirit).
That's why I’ve created the 21 Day Reset on the Run for us! It’s a busy, mindful way to take back your health - body, mind, and spirit - one micro step at a time!