If you're trying to get pregnant, it's important to avoid toxins that can affect your fertility. Unfortunately, these toxins are everywhere – from the foods we eat to the products we use! But don't worry, I'm here to help. In this post, I'll share some tips on how to prepare for pregnancy and avoid these harmful toxins. Thanks for reading!
The easiest way to impact your toxin load is to switch your laundry products for ones that are “green”. You can’t trust that because a brand is labeled -dye free & fragrance free it’s a good choice. Look up the detergent on ewg.org to determine its rating (red/ yellow/green) and don’t assume because one product in a brand is clean that the others are also. If it has a fragrance listed and it’s on a store shelf it 100% is synthetic (even If it says “with essential oils” and should be avoided.)
Toothpaste is another product that has a BIG impact on health as your mouth is a mucus membrane (which means it’s a super highway to your bloodstream). Three ingredients to avoid in toothpaste are sodium lauryl sulphate, triclosan and fluoride. Yes, I said it. Avoid fluoride. Fluoride is classified as a neurotoxin and has a HUGE impact on your health. If your surprised, I encourage you to do your own research.
Avoid personal care products (makeup, deodorant, body wash, shampoos) that have any of the following ingredients.
- Sodium lauryl sulphate
- triclosan
- propylene glycol (PEG’s), pluronic
- phthalates
- parabens
While we’re talking about personal care… I have to just throw this in here! You have to switch out your deodorant for a NON aluminum/anti-perspirant. Metals are known hormone disruptors in both women and men with aluminum being shown to impact all areas of sperm quality. This is a tough one for most people and deserves its own blog-coming soon!
While we’re talking about removing toxins you might be shocked to know that popular-in-the-infertility- world lubricants contain chemicals that are known to reduce sperm motility and in some cases side affects include vaginal bleeding. Avoid products with ingredients such as poly sorbate-80 or hydroxyethyl-cellulose a thickening agent in lubricants and cosmetics.
The bottom line is ..all of these chemicals add up and affect your body in various ways. It’s true that for some people they don’t cause issues, but if you’re reading this and challenged with infertility, I’m guessing that you’re going to need to support your body differently. These chemicals affect your gut biome (which is SO important to fertility) disrupts your hormones (clearly a problem) and also affects your endocrine system which is equally as important as your hormone health.
Are you looking to avoid toxins that have a big impact? Check out our list of the top six toxins to avoid. These include sodium lauryl sulfate, triclosan, poly-sorbate-80, phthalates and parabens, propylene glycol. Be sure to also watch out for these chemicals in your laundry products, toothpaste, lubricants, and personal care products like body washes. Each of these toxins can affect gut health, disrupt hormones and disrupt thyroid/endocrine systems. Need help making changes? Accelerate your Fertility Boot Campis 12 weeks to maximize your chance of getting pregnant or staying pregnant – start by avoiding these harmful toxins!