10 Overlooked Tests to Ask Your Fertility Doctor For 
If you're struggling to conceive, don't wait any longer.

MYTH: Fertility doctors run every test
MYTH: Fertility doctors check your history that every test has been run
FACT: There are a number of tests your fertility doctor may not be running because of "protocol" that could be the root cause of your infertility.
By asking for these tests, you can save time, money, and heartache.

Download our free checklist today and take it to your next appointment with your fertility doctor.

Jump Start Your Fertility 5-Day Challenge
On Your Fertility Journey and Feeling Overwhelmed or Hopeless?! 
Commit to 5-days of simple-to-do daily health resets and transform your outlook to "On track" and Hopeful!

Here's what you will get:
 ðŸ™Œ Less inflammation
 ðŸ™Œ  Learn how SIMPLE can be Effective-Streamline healthy habits (mental, physical and spiritual) 
 ðŸ™Œ Optimize Your Hormones with lifestyle changes

Need a supportive community? Join the Infertility Empowered Facebook Group 

Meet Erica Hoke
The Infertile Mom of Four, Author, and 
Fertility Empowerment Coach

12 years ago I was told that I would never have children. Now I have 4. Miracles? Yes! I had every infertility issue that you can name. Endometriosis (stage 4), uterine fibroids (handfuls removed), ovarian cysts, PCOS and hyperthyroidism, factor V Leiden. Get the picture? And, although I didn’t know it at the time a double mutation of both genes of MTHFR. I could barely work because I couldn’t control my flow. I was an emotional mess and I wanted a baby more than anything in the world.

We went to fertility doctors. It was a bleak diagnosis. I was 35, hyper ovulating, and NOT a candidate for IVF because of DOR. We could have done IUI with a less than 10% chance of success we chose not to. Instead, I opted for aggressive surgery to remove the fibroids and started researching how to boost your fertility naturally, and what affects your fertility. What I found would be the beginning of a lifelong passion.

What I found was everything affects your fertility...

More About My Story

Let's connect! It's free! 

In a few mintues I  can help you see the missing pieces that are keeping you from getting pregnant 

let's Talk!

Let's talk!
You're not alone in your infertility journey. 
Connect here! Infertility Empowered

 All Content including images and text are Copyright Erica Hoke Â© 2025
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